Friday, January 05, 2007


I just had a conversation with a woman at work. A friend. She is this amazing woman, married forever, two teenage kids. Very strong. Very good at what she does at work and a very loving, strong, capable mother.

She told me a story today that broke my heart and made me want to hug Meg and not let her go.

She is a good mom who prefers to drive her children to and from anywhere they go. They are good kids and dont mind this ... she worries about them and wants them safe. Normal mom stuff.

Her son was at work the other night and she told her husband that she was going for a run and to pick up their son from work when he calls. The father told the son to walk home. Three blocks from home her son was jumped. Five boys got him on the ground and kicked him in the head and body. If it was not for a car driving by and the headlights shining on her boy's face who knows how far that would have gone.

I felt my knees go weak when she told me. I am one of those worriers who assumes because I think in advance about all the possible horrors that these bad things wont happen. ...

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