Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Once you lost both eyes there should've been nothing else to lose RIGHT? =(

Ok, moving on.... This morning I was walking in my usual daze to work and stepped out onto the street when I shouldn't have (for those of you who know me, you know this is a regular occurence). This morning however, was a VERY VERY close call and the swearing, hornblowing irritated person turned out to be BIF NAKED. Now people, if I am going to be taken out of this world by a moving vehicle... being hit by a hot rock star's Mercedes is a better alternative than the ugly yellow taxi cabs that usually try and mow me down! =)

Have a great day!

"Loss has been part of my journey, but italso taught me what was precious."


Anonymous said...

that is cool mom, you should have let her and sued her lol

Baffling said...

I'm confused about the losing eye thingie... You've mentioned it more than once now. I hope it is a metaphor i'm unable to see