Friday, March 02, 2007

dooce read my mind last night!

Just last night Jasmine, Jenn and I were talking about our blogs (what else?). One of the many things we want to do is create our own websites and have a monthly 'Masthead' (see the top of Dooce's blog, that is a Masthead, hers changes every month)

And well, today, gollygeewhizzakers! Lookey there. If there ain't a do-it-yourself guide/tutorial for mastheads on Dooce's blog today.

1 comment:


I saw the masthead lesson on Dooce's site too.... it's almost like we "attracted" it huh? I'm telling you girl, it's almost scary how I think of things. Hard. And they come to me. Obviously not everything I want but I am amazed at the things I have willed to come into my life, my head and my lap lately.