Saturday, June 16, 2007

dont take anyone or anything for granted ... unless you are comfortable with regrets

I cannot take credit for this one ... but read it on a card and loved it. Thought I'd share:

Legends say that hummingbirds float free of time, carrying our hopes for love, joy and celebration.

Like a humingbird, we aspire to hover and savour each moment as it passes, embrace all that life has to offer and to celebrate the joy of everday.

The hummingbird's delicate grace reminds us that

life is rich,

beauty is everywhere,

every personal connection has meaning;

and that laugher is life's sweetest creation.

Do not take the beauty of what is in front of you for granted.


Trée said...

life is rich,

beauty is everywhere,

every personal connection has meaning;

and that laugher is life's sweetest creation.

Do not take the beauty of what is in front of you for granted.

Kelly, this is magnificent, regardless of who wrote it. Love, love, love it. I might need to put this on an index card and carry it around with me. Exactly what I need to see to start my week. Thank you for the gift. :-)

KellyNerd said...


Are you ok with me adding your blog to my site?

Trée said...

I would be honored Kelly. :-)