Monday, May 14, 2007

trust me on this one ...


"When someone shows you who they are, believe them."


Anonymous said...

begs the question...

How do you know if someone is showing you his/her true self?

KellyNerd said...

I know! Weird quote. Makes ya' think. When I first heard it I thought it meant that you should sit back and believe that people are truly good when they are showing they are ... something happened recently that made me think that the quote was a warning to not overlook the bad things people do ... that they are showing you who they truly are ... hm dunno. If you figure it out email me and while you're at it... the meaning of life... =)

Anonymous said...

Well, Jon beat me to it. I was going to ask the same question.

I however am far too trusting and expect that everyone is showing me their true self. *Sigh. As you might guess, I've been burned more than once.

Tbone said...

I have a really hard time believing that people show who they really are...probably because often times I am not truly who I am to some.