There is nothing like that racing heart beat, that rush of blood through your is pretty wierd that your heart does truly ache when you are sad and races when you are is much much more than a muscle.
I am a mother of an eighteen year old genius named Megan. I am a daughter, step-daugther, sister, step-sister and best friend. I am sometimes a lover. I am a single lesbian, trying to muddle my way through life in Vancouver, British Columbia.
I love to read anything I can get my hands on, I like to write but do not consider myself a writer. I love and am loved. I have worries, concerns, dreams and desires. I visit the ocean every day.
.... have you been looking at the Rosie mullet picture again?
There is nothing like that racing heart beat, that rush of blood through your is pretty wierd that your heart does truly ache when you are sad and races when you are is much much more than a muscle.
Our hearts... our body's capacity to feel certain ways at certain times (or NOT feel) is amazing, isn't it?
Not feel ... dammit. haven't tried that. My off switch is broken... =( I wish I didnt feel some things!
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